
Combination of SPR and electrochemistry
SPR can be used in combination with various electrochemical techniques to collect both optical and electrochemical real-time data from the same reaction. It can measure a variety of electrochemical methods, such as potentiometer, ammeter or impedance spectrum.
Potentiostat can be used for in situ electrodeposition of thin films, modifying the potential of the whole surface to study biomimetic surfaces (electrochemical conversion), or collecting information using techniques sensitive to other types of information than optical changes
Five typical research fields of the combination of electrochemistry and SPR:
1. Electroswithable reaction and functional biomaterials
2. Real-time measurement of conformational changes
3. Develop simple electrochemical sensors on one device
4. Support lipid membrane quality assessment
5. Catalyzing biological reactions
Reasons for choosing SPR for switchable material development:
1. Easy ex-situ modification of SPR surfaces
2. Simultaneous recording of electrochemical and SPR signals
3. Compatible with most organic solvents
4. Real time conformational changes
5. No swelling artifacts