
1. 能夠實時(shí)測量活細胞和(hé)細菌附著(zhe)
2. 能夠在未标記的(de)情況下(xià)區(qū)分(fēn)滲透和(hé)内吞
3. 表面非特異性吸附情況
4. 溫度和(hé)剪切應力的(de)控制
5. SPR與電化(huà)學的(de)結合
1. 藥物(wù)吸收途徑是什(shén)麽?
2. 哪一種納米顆粒是藥物(wù)輸送的(de)最佳載體?
3. 一種納米粒子或病毒是如何進入細胞的(de)?
4. 細胞附著(zhe)在表面上的(de)動力學是什(shén)麽?
5. 哪一種表面最能抵抗細菌的(de)生長(cháng)?
1. Endothelial cells' biophysical, biochemical, and chromosomal aberrancies in high ‐ glucose condition within the diabetic range, Cell Biochemistry & Function, 2017, p. 1-15 
2. Feasibility Study of the Permeability and Uptake of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles across the Blood-Brain Barrier, PLoS ONE 11(8): e0160705, 2016 
3. Real-Time Label-Free Monitoring of Nanoparticle Cell Uptake, Small, 2016 
4. Real-Time Protein and Cell Binding Measurements on Hydroxyapatite Coatings, J. of Functional Biomaterials, 2016, Vol. 7(3), p. 23 
5. Biomimetic collagen I and IV double layer Langmuir–Schaefer films as microenvironment for human pluripotent stem cell derived retinal pigment epithelial cells, Biomaterials, Volume 1, May 2015, Pages 257-269 
6. Structural and Viscoelastic Properties of Layer-by-Layer Extracellular Matrix (ECM) Nanofilms and Their Interactions with Living Cell, ACS Biomater. Sci. Engineering, 2015, 1[9]: p. 816–824 
7. Microbial attachment and adsorption–desorption kinetic of tightly bound extracellular polymeric substances on model organic surfaces, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 279: p. 516–521 
8. Investigation of cell behaviors on thermo-responsive PNIPAM microgel films, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 132: p. 202–207 
9. Biofunctionalization of titanium surface with multilayer films modified by heparin-VEGF-fibronectin complex to improve endothelial cell proliferation and blood compatibility,  J. of Biomed. Mat. Research Part A, 2013, 101A, 413–420 
10. Oncolytic adenoviruses coated with MHC-I tumor epitopes increase the anti-tumor immunity and efficacy against melanoma, Capasso et al., Taylor & Francis Online, 2015