Drug delivery

From real-time targeting research to real-time endocytosis, SPR is a good choice for drug delivery.
SPR for drug delivery
Drug delivery is an important part of the drug delivery process. At present, for new biopharmaceuticals, the internalization of a drug must be facilited by nanodrug carriers. At the same time, new gel and patch formulations require in-depth understanding of drug-nanoparticle, nanoparticle-targete, nanoparticle-living cell interaction as well as release of drug from material. Nanoparticles for drug delivery and for contrast agents are typically made of polymers, silica, metals, liposomes, viruses, DNA polyplexes and newly also exosomes and other microvesicles.
Four reasons for choosing SPR for drug delivery research:
1. The size of the drug is not affected
2. From drug targeting to endocytosis
3. Aggregation of nanoparticles
4. From static to dynamic measurement of nanoparticles
SPR can answer several key questions about drug delivery:
1. What is the best drug nanoparticles?
2. What is the absorption path of a nano drug carrier?
3. How do nanoparticles interact with lipid bilayers?
4. What is the drug release rate from different materials?
5. How does a nanoparticle or virus enter the cell?
The characteristics of lipid layer were detected by SPR
Lipid membrane can simulate biological barrier in vitro, such as cell membrane. It is also possible to combine other molecules, such as receptors or membrane proteins, into the lipid layer structure to mimic the specific functions of biofilms. Because of these properties, the lipid layer structure can be widely used in biochemistry and drug research. SPR was used to characterize lipid layer structures adsorbed on a different substrates. Silicon dioxide and low molecule weight dextran surfaces supported formation of lipid bilayer (SLB) whereas thiolated polyethylene glycol supported vesicular layer formation (SLV). Thickness and refractive index of deposited lipid layer was calculated: SLB was about 5nm thick layer whereas SLV was 10nm thick layer.