Life sciences

Small molecule drugs SPR has the function of high sensitivity and direct detection of small molecules.
Biomembrane SPR can be used to measure the interaction between drug molecules and biofilm and the change of membrane structure.。
Drug delivery From real-time targeting research to real-time endocytosis, SPR is a good choice for drug delivery, whether it is a drug carrier composed of polymers, silica, metals, liposomes, viruses, DNA polymers and other microcapsules.
Drug dilution In order to enhance or delay drug absorption, drug sustained-release has been widely studied. SPR can compare the sustained release of different drugs in situ.
Cells SPR is a sensitive platform, which can determine the interaction between antibody or fragment and antigen, and directly measure the affinity and kinetics of interaction. SPR instrument can also directly measure the target molecules such as liposomes and living cells, and reflect their interaction in a natural state.
Antibody SPR is a sensitive platform, which can determine the interaction between antibody or fragment and antigen, and directly measure the affinity and kinetics of interaction. SPR instrument can also directly measure the target molecules such as liposomes and living cells, and reflect their interaction in a natural state.
Biosensor development In the competition based on nanotechnology, from electrochemical sensors to direct detection, SPR can develop biosensors on glass, polymer, silicon or metal surfaces.
Gas sensor Sensby SPR can also use gas and vapor samples. After surface modification, it can be used to detect specific gas components.
Electrochemical sensing SPR can be combined with electrochemistry to measure catalytic interactions, electroswitching surfaces and also to develop electrochemical biosensors.
Biomaterials SPR can be used to measure the interaction of polymer with micron thickness, which makes it a label free method to study the interaction between molecules and biomaterials. Therefore, SPR can also be used to control drug release, new coatings for cell and tissue engineering and industrial coatings.