Biosensors development

In the competition based on nanotechnology, from electrochemical sensors to direct detection, SPR can develop biosensors on glass, polymer, silicon or metal surfaces.
SPR is a very important tool in the fields of food and feed safety, environmental safety, clinical diagnosis, boundary control and process control. Although part of the world's research is devoted to high-throughput instruments, more and more attention has been paid to portable or POC instruments. SPR is an excellent tool for the development of portable biosensors. POC sensors include typical electrochemical sensors, surface enhanced Raman sensors (sensors), ELISA, fluorescence or new printing diagnostic techniques.
Five reasons to choose SPR:
1. Surface modification
2. Any type of test
3. Any sample
4. Easy to verify
5. Microfluidic material test
Five key questions about biosensors that SPR can answer:
1. How fast do molecules bind to different surfaces?
2. What is the best surface of my biosensor?
3. How about my test in serum, saliva, seawater or urine?
4. Is the biosensor I designed better than the former one?
5. Which coating can prevent the sample from adsorbing on my microfluidic channel?
Quantitative detection of DNA
DNA detection can be used to detect genetic material to detect gene mutation, mutation, gene transfection or species from a large number of samples. By analyzing specific single stranded oligonucleotides with more than 20 nucleotides, unique gene sequences can be detected and quantified from a large amount of genetic material.
The 27 unit oligonucleus is self adsorbed on a standard gold sensing surface. A (2-hydroxyethyl)-aliphatic amide molecule was used to adsorb nonspecific binding on the surface. Single stranded DNA samples with complementary sequences were detected, and non complementary DNA samples of the same lens and bovine serum albumin (BSA) were tested.
The measurement was carried out in SPR fixed angle mode. The sensitivity and specificity were compared with the literature extracted from the literature and showed the same detection limit. SPR Navi performs well in a wide concentration range (0.1nm to 1000nm) and can be seen in exponential form. Single point interaction is well followed by a one-to-one Langmuir index. Non complementary DNA and  BSA 1000nm could not be detected after buffer washing.